In June, we launched an Active Travel survey to share with residents across the borough. This survey went live during national Bike week (Cycling UK) and was promoted online and through in-person engagement at Tunbridge Well’s own Cycling Festival.

The survey ran for 4 weeks and received a total of 431 responses from residents across the borough.

Survey results – main headlines:

The main headline results from the survey are as follows:

  • Over 50% of respondents owned a bike, but of those, only 10% use their bike daily
  • More than half of residents who own a bike would consider purchasing an e-bike.
  • The most popular use of a bike was for leisure (63%), while the least popular activity for active travel use was the school run, with only 2.8% of all respondents using active travel for the school run.
  • To encourage cycling in the borough, we need to provide education (20% of respondents said they lacked confidence as a cyclist), improve road safety (unsafe roads were a deterrent for 31% of respondents) and cycle paths (a concern for 30% of respondents).
  • To encourage travel on foot, respondents favoured improvements to road surfaces and an increased police presence.

The data collected from this survey will help shape future strategies and projects.

Where can I start?

The ‘sustainable transport’ page on the TWBC Climate Action website contains more information about low carbon transport modes.

Cycling UK is a UK charity which encourages the uptake of cycling across the country. Cycling UK have guides, resources, events and projects which can help you feel more confident riding in your local area.