In 2008, the UK became the inaugural nation to establish a legally enforceable national climate commitment through The Climate Change Act. Initially aimed at specific targets, this commitment has since evolved to a net zero goal by 2050.
As a borough, we aspire to achieve net zero compatibility by 2030. Read more about our strategy here.
Climate change is addressed through a comprehensive framework of policies that span from national to local levels, each designed to mitigate its impact and promote sustainability.
International Agreements:
The Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement (PA) are both key initiatives from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Kyoto Protocol (1977) was the first to impose legally binding obligations on signatory countries to reduce and limit greenhouse gas emissions, though it only applied to developed nations.
In contrast, the Paris Agreement (2015), unites all nations (196 countries), aims to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
The Conference of the Parties occurs every five years, bringing together countries to propose new climate commitments. Hosted by the UK, COP26 focused on climate finance, phasing out coal, and nature-based solutions.
National Initiatives:
In 2008, the UK became the first country to establish a legally binding national climate commitment with the Climate Act. Originally, this act set emissions reduction targets, but it was later revised to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. The Climate Act requires the government to set emissions targets, known as carbon budgets, every five years. Carbon budgets set legally binding limits on the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions over five-year periods, creating a cost-effective pathway to meet long-term climate targets. To date, five carbon budgets have been enacted, extending to 2032.
Regional Policies: Kent County Council
Kent County Council (KCC) has set a net zero corporate target for 2030 and a Kent-wide target for 2050. The Kent and Medway Energy and Low Emissions Strategy addresses the UK climate emergency by promoting clean economic recovery and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, poor air quality, and fuel poverty. It aligns with existing energy and environmental priorities and builds on the efforts of partner organizations. KCC projects include solar initiatives, energy efficiency improvements, travel adaptations, heat decarbonization, and environmental advocacy through Kent Green Action.
Local Policies: TWBC
Locally, Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (TWBC):
- Corporate carbon descent plan, to target the 1% contribution to borough emissions, aimed at setting an example for decarbonisation.
- The local plan includes strategic sustainability objectives like conserving environmental assets, supporting the 2030 net zero goal, prioritizing active travel, and maintaining the green belt’s purpose.
- New legislation requires most upcoming developments to achieve a minimum 10% biodiversity net gain on or off-site.