Biodiversity is in serious decline with many species having suffered dramatic drops in population. Climate change, land management, development and recreation all pose threats to biodiversity.
Conserving and restoring natural habitats enhances biodiversity and provides vital ecosystem services.
The Council is working with key stakeholders on a range of projects and initiatives to protect our most important sites, improve all habitats for wildlife across the borough and build in resilience to climate change. Our partners include Natural England, Kent Wildlife Trust, Kent County Council, Kent Nature Partnership and the Kent High Weald Partnership.
Woodland is a valuable resource within the borough, and ancient woodland in particular is a habitat of major importance to nature conservation. It plays host to a number of protected or notable species and is a key feature of the landscape character and historic fabric of the borough.
Trees and hedgerows provide habitat for many species of mammals, birds, and insects. Whilst all wildlife is important, some species are legally protected, including nesting birds and bats.
Find out more about trees and woodland management within TWBC.
The Queen’s Green Canopy
The Council is working in partnership with Town and Parish Council’s and ‘Friend’s’ groups to take part in the Queen’s Green Canopy. This is a unique tree planting initiative to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022.
We will provide 700 trees for free and 70 specimen trees at a subsidised rate. Our partners will be identifying suitable locations and we will provide information on planting and after care.
Find more about the scheme from one of our latest news items ‘Queens Green Canopy’
Our own biodiversity agenda
Our local plan includes strategies for biodiversity and ecological management.
Here are some examples of the work our parks and planning teams have done (and are planning) to improve the biodiversity across the borough!
Our Parks Team
Converted flower beds to permanent herbaceous planting tolerant to drought
Creating meadows, more wildflowers, ensuring only native tree species are planted and reduced mowing
Use of peat free compost
Our Planning team
Generating net gains for biodiversity (a minimum of 10%) from most new developments through wildlife enhancement
Created a Local plan which contains a range of environmental policies for improved sustainability of new development including addressing climate change and adaptation as well as specific policies for trees, ancient woodland, biodiversity and green infrastructure.
Focusing on the Councils own woodland, which will be placed into a new long term management plan to boost biodiversity
Exploring opportunities for trees in urban areas to reduce heat gain
Tree cover across the borough will be retained and increased with a particular regard to on street tree planting
Designated sites for wildlife will be protected from development
The landscapes and wildlife zones included within new development will be secured in perpetuity through planning consents and management plans
The Council supports the work of the Kent Nature Partnership and Kent County Council in the Kent Biodiversity Action Plan and the Local Nature Recovery Strategy Making Space for Nature in Kent and Medway which now has its own website.
As required by the Environment Act 2021 the Council has produced a Biodiversity Report which will be updated periodically.
Biodiversity Podcast
Listen to our podcast to find out more about biodiversity, and about how we at TWBC are working to preserve and improve it:
Tunbridge Wells Borough Council – Pesticide Policy
The growing concern around the use of pesticides and trends in reduction
Throughout the UK many Councils are considering the use of horticultural chemicals which have traditionally been used as a cost effective way to control fungi, insects, plant disease and weeds amongst others.
There is growing public concern over the use of horticultural chemicals in public open spaces in particular the possible health effects on humans through the exposure to pesticides and herbicides, especially the impact on children.
Read the full TWBC – Pesticide Policy