Transport is the second largest emitter of carbon emissions in the borough. It is crucial to reduce car usage and increase the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and public transportation. This shift will lower carbon emissions and alleviate congestion across the borough.

Additionally, there are several co-benefits, such as:

  • Improved air quality

  • Reduced noise pollution

  • Better health outcomes

  • Enhanced job opportunities

  • Economic growth

Achieving these benefits requires a modal shift towards active and public transport, along with the decarbonisation of road transport and more sustainable goods delivery methods.

Energy Saving Trust highlights that reducing car use by 25% can result in fuel savings of up to £295 per year and a reduction of 445 kg of CO2 emissions. They offer further advice on the reasons for making this change, the benefits it brings, and ways to get involved. For more information, visit the Energy Saving Trust’s advice on active travel: Energy Saving Trust – Active Travel. Energy Saving Trust.   

At The Local Level

Walking and Cycling:

TWBC has prepared a Local Walking & Cycling Infrastructure Plan setting out a network of priority routes to support the Local Plan. The documents can be seen here:

The LCWIP has helped the Council to gain funding from Active Travel England and s106 developer contributions to improve walking and cycling infrastructure in the borough.

Current projects the Council and partners are working on, funded by Active Travel England include:

  • Better Streets for St John’s and St James’ areas of Royal Tunbridge Wells
  • Langton-Rusthall-town centre cycle route design

Cycle Training

Kent County Council offers cycle training for adults and children (for leisure and commuting purposes). More details can be found here:

Public Transport

The Council works closely with Kent County Council’s Public Transport Team and local bus operators to seek to improve local bus services. In 2021, following community engagement, Kent County Council prepared a Bus Service Improvement Plan to bid for government funding for the Kent network of bus services.

TWBC also has a Public Transport Forum which enables representatives to engage together to consider and recommend actions on public transport issues. The group works to achieve the aims and objectives of the Borough Council, KCC and local rail and bus providers.

At the national level

The ‘Gear Change’ project (2020) has committed to improving the safety and quality of UK streets to encourage more active travel. In its first year, the project saw significant success with the creation of 150 new low-traffic neighbourhoods and over 100 miles of new cycle lanes. Development has continued through the Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS2), which includes new objectives and increased funding.

Borough-wide transport emissions:

Borough of Tunbridge Wells: Transport Emissions 2005 - 2022