The KM Charity annual Green School Awards are now open!

The Green School Awards have been created to celebrate and promote the amazing environmental initiatives children and young people in Kent have been doing over the past year.

Examples of winning projects could include:

  • Building a greenhouse out of soft drink bottles
  • Organising a litter-picking party with your class, friends or family on one of our beaches
  • Encouraging the local community to recycle
  • Instigating an energy-saving programme at school

Your project can be big or small and you can enter as an individual or as part of a group.

Below is a list of just some of the categories that have been chosen for the competition. However, nominations which fall outside of these categories are still encouraged to enter.

  • Clean Air for All Award
  • Energy Conservation Award
  • Recycling Award
  • Green Champion Award
  • Nature Conservation Award
  • Green Travel Award

Find out more on the KM charity website