Low Carbon Kent is a network of businesses tackling and adapting to climate change. We aim to reduce costs by cutting emissions and promote the opportunities of the low carbon market.
Why joining the Low Carbon Kent business network will benefit your business.
- Cut costs by cutting carbon
- Improve your green credentials
- Develop an Environmental Management System according to the Steps to Environmental Management Scheme (STEM)
- Be listed on our low carbon business directory if you offer “green” goods and services
- Reduce fuel costs with advice on smarter working initiatives
- Gain access to match funded grants if you offer low carbon goods or services
- Gain access to match funding to help cover the cost of energy efficiency measures for small and medium businesses
- Link to other funded services (e.g. loan funds, research grants, innovation vouchers)
- Business networking events
Who can join
Any business with a vested interest in Kent can become a member of the Low Carbon Kent business network.