Not sure where to start? Our tools give small and medium sized UK businesses the first steps to start measuring, managing and reducing carbon emissions and reducing energy cost.
The SME Carbon Footprint Calculator has been designed to help UK based SMEs measure their corporate emission footprint following GHG Protocol Guidance. It includes direct emissions from fuel and processes (Scope 1 emissions) and emissions from purchased electricity (or Scope 2 emissions) for the assets they operate.
The Benchmark tool helps SMEs prioritise energy reduction across energy intensive technologies and areas. SMEs can compare the relative performance of their site against industry benchmarks and estimate potential savings.
The Lighting Business Case Tool allows UK based SMEs to calculate their business case for lighting upgrades. Businesses can use the tool to assess their current lighting usage and potential savings from upgrading to more efficient lighting and controls.
The tool can be used if you know your existing lighting type or your annual energy spend to estimate lighting energy cost.