Climate-for-teachers Poster

As Education Lead for the Collective for Climate Action, Ian Cable offers free sessions for teachers on the climate and biodiversity crisis.

Ian has an MSc in Climate Change and Risk Management, is a STEM ambassador and works at the Environment Agency with experience in:

  • Flood and coastal risk management

  • Community engagement

  • Climate communication

The sessions: a chance to ask questions

  • In a 1 hour, online session we can cover:

    • what drives climate change

    • why it’s so difficult to address

    • what the most impactful solutions are

    • what we can all do to help

    • what our future is likely to look like, based on science 

    • the opportunities it presents

  • Questions are encouraged

  • All sessions are free

  • We can schedule around you

  • Can be open Q and A to build your confidence on climate.

Collective for Climate Action


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