Have you got broken household items you’d like fixed?
- A toaster that doesn’t work
- Clothes that need repairing
- A bicycle that doesn’t cycle
- Some jewellery that needs fixing…
Bring them along to the Repair Cafe’s team of volunteer experts at Trinity Theatre, have a cup of tea and some cake and get them repaired.
What is a repair café?
In short it is a volunteer-led community event where people with repair skills help mend items that no longer work. This helps prolong the item’s life and ideally prevents them being thrown away unnecessarily. The Repair Café team do this at no charge but if you would like to make a voluntary donation we welcome these as that helps cover costs and any surplus money goes to charity.
What do we repair?
We have repair stations that cover a wide range including household and gardening electrical items, mechanical, jewellery, textiles / clothing, small furniture / wood, bicycles, IT / Computers, knife sharpening and miscellaneous.
If you have got something at home that needs fixing please bring it along, buy a cup of tea from the cafe and perhaps some cake and watch as your item is hopefully repaired. If it can’t be fixed we will advise you of your options. If it needs a spare part, you can get this and then bring it along at another date and we can fit that for you.
Do I need to book?
The Repair Café runs on a first come first served basis, simply turn up at Trinity Theatre. We open at 10am and close at 1pm on the dates shown below. The last repair is accepted at 12.30pm or when we reach capacity for a particular repair station, whichever is sooner. If there is a wait time we should be able to give you a rough idea of how long. Importantly, you can’t leave your item and come back and collect it, you need to be with the repairer as they repair it.
Can I bring lots of things in to be fixed?
Unfortunately not, it is one item per person at a time. You can then go back in the queue afterwards if you had another item.
What have we fixed in previous cafés?
A few of the things we have fixed are: Hand bags, bar skittles, beach spade, belts, bicycles, blenders, bracelets, buggies, cassette recorders, Christmas decorations, clocks, dresses, drills, edging shears, fans, food mixers, garden chairs, glasses, gloves, hairdryers, handbags, hoovers, kettles, knives, lamps, mobile phones, necklaces, printers, radios, record players, scooters, sewing machines, shredders, slow cookers, teddy bears, toasters and umbrellas… to name but a few!